Basketball Systems, Skills & Drills

Fast break
Dribble-drive 5-on-0

5 on 0 fullcourt dribble-drive layups at speed. Always score (putback any miss), 4 or 1 inbounds. Start the first trip with a made basket. Trip options,

- up and back, start from one end, or from both ends
- start with a halfcourt attack
- one trip for each progression
- include primary fast break (scripted or random)
- 90 seconds, or until someone runs out of gas.


- Basic motion - rack, drag, drop zones
- Entries - kickback (pitch), quick, swing, drag, dribble-push (pullback, quick-replace)
- Post-ups - swing-quick, throwback
- Ballscreens
- Perimeter shots (option - no putbacks, outlet on a miss).

All possessions are shown going upcourt in the diagrams, not alternating up and back.

See Offences - Dribble-drive outline, Dribble-drive progression, Dribble-drive basics, Fast break - 6-cycle dribble-drive, Beep-beep, 5 on 0 trips, Shooting - Grinnell run the floor, Fast breaks - Early dribble-drive ballscreens, Offence - Hoiberg pitch series.
Variations - 5 on 5, two teams
- one team plays dummy defence back and forth, then flip-flop
- alternate possessions, both teams play dummy defence, and convert from offence to defence using their defensive transition system (progression - one shot only, no putbacks).
See Fast break - Schuring cycles, Defending - 5 on 0 transition, Transition - Calipari transition defence, Disadvantage.

1) Basic motion

a) Penetration

1 drives into the lane (either hand), options

- rack it
- pass to 5 cleaning up or relocating
- skip pass weakside, 5 posts
- hit 4 filling behind, exit cut, 4 drives.

Shot option - kick-out to the ballside corner.

b) Drop zone

1 drives to drop 2 or 3, options

- 2 backcuts, 5 ducks in or tees-up
- 1-2 kickup, 2 shoots or drives middle (e.g. 2-4 kickback, drop 3)
- 1-2 kickup, 2-1 throwback, 5 posts (see Post-ups)
- 1-2 kickup, 1 passes and cuts through (Bollant quick)
- skip pass.
Option - two drives (or drive and kicks) and a post touch.


- kickup-fist (for 2)
- kickup-throwback-fist (for 1).

2) Entries

Option - add Kentucky pullback-dribble and quick-replace entries (4 dives).

a) Kickback (pitch)

1-4 kickback, options

- 4 drives the lane, 1 fills behind (late)
- 4 stops in the drop zone (kickup, backcut, skip pass)
- 4 throws it back to 1 (swing pass) and cuts (kickback-swing, see Creating gaps)
- 4-2 "quick" pass and cut.
Kentucky pitch entry - if defenders switch on the pitch, 4 throws it back to 1, 5 ducks in (see Oakland through kick duck). Also swing it to give 1 two looks (quick set).
Mads Olesen - use a 1-4 kickback when X1 is jamming 1 (forcing middle), or to exploit switching defence. X1 and X4 switch on the kickback, 4 pull-back dribbles, passes back to 1 and clears out, 1 exploits a mismatch against X4. It's a general rule that when you pass the ball on the perimeter, cut to the basket and out the other side of penetration; against switching defence, pass and cut through to either corner.
Reid Ouse - Drive and kick series (YouTube) - if 1 attacks directly at 3 from the slot, it forces X3 to make a decision, if he jumps at his man, we now have a backdoor option.
See Dribble-drive progression (Creating gaps), Dribble-drive basics (Kickback), Calipari middle drive, second drives, Walberg middle penetration.


- kickback-fist (for 4)
- kickback-throwback-fist (for 1).

b) Quick

1-2 "quick" wing entry on a blast cut, options
- 2 can drive baseline or middle, or pass out to 4 filling behind 1, e.g. to set up a triple gap for 3
- 1 can cross-screen for 5.
1 breaks off a basket cut if 2 attacks immediately.
Walberg - elevate 2 if we are dribbling too much.
Kentucky - Quick is an iso on the wing.
Petitgoue - they want a baseline drive.
Bollant - use Quick against teams that force baseline.
Olesen - with a dominant post player it's a good option to have 1 set a screen for 5. Variation - 1 dribbles out 2, who sets the inside screen (see Dribble-push).
Dribble-drive 243-143 - 4 fills behind 1, 2 passes and flattens to the corner, 4 passes to 3 and cuts to create a triple gap.
Randy Sherman - quad offence - on a diagonal pass (slot to wing), make a diagonal cut directly to the opposite corner.
Peter Lonergan - Spacing & Decision Making - how does a good point guard get the ball back? Options on a pass to 2 are a) cut through (look for a give and go), b) stop (their defender sinks), bounce out, get it back, attack middle, c) exit to the ballside corner, d) vee away (hit the nail, loop cut), 4 comes to the ball, can pass to 1 (and follow to ballscreen).

Ballscreens - Quick-fist, Quick-drag.

See Dribble-drive basics (Quick), Calipari quick entry, wing pass, Kentucky quick set, Walberg elevate 2, Petitgoue through, Bollant Quick, Breakdown drills (Quick).

c) Swing

1-4 swing and corner cut, e.g. 4 can
- attack middle (triple gap)
- attack left (1 reads it)
- run a 4-3 "quick" pass and cut (swing-quick).
Variations - basket cut, tee up, nail cut, brush (rub) cut, hold, ballscreen.

Walberg 415 (tee up) - 4 drives right.

Calipari nail cut - 4 can drive right or left.

Petitgoue opposite - 1 passes and holds, 4 drives left (e.g. 4 is a lefty).

Ballscreen - swing-fist.

Mark Cascio - Gap Rules - 4 attacks the triple gap, or passes to 3.

Doug Novak Core Series - forwards-out entry (1-2 DHO, 4-3 exchange) into a 2-3 swing and corner cut (or 3 corner cuts and 2 attacks).

Michael Lynch - on any slot to slot pass, the passer makes a 45 cut to the ballside corner (a blur screen). If 4 is denied, 1 waves him thru, a blur screen. A slot to wing 1-2 DHO and 4-3 backside exchange change the people in a blur screen.

d) Drag

4-1 drag, 1 comes off, drives the lane or drop zone.
See Bollant 4-1 ballscreen (or rub cut), Oakland through, Fast breaks - Early dribble-drive ballscreens.

e) Dribble-push

1 waves through 2, dribbles to the wing, and can attack middle or baseline.

4 and 3 fill behind after a two-count, 1 can pass out to 4 and flatten to the corner.
Olesen - use Dribble-push and Quick to check for zone defence, or to create a triple gap for 3. 2 can screen for 5.
Walberg - 1 looks to attack baseline.
Kentucky - get into Quick without a pass. 1 can attack baseline or middle from the wing, or pass back out to 4.
Ballscreens - Ravens, Gator.
See Kentucky wave through, quick 1, Walberg dribble push, Quick hitters - Dribble-drive 243-143.

3) Post-ups

For other post-ups see Dribble-drive progression (Post-ups). Any skip pass is a post up.

a) Swing-quick (triangle)

1-4 swing, 4-3 quick, use the 1-3-5 triangle to get the ball into the post (or 3 attacks middle). 3 clears weakside on a pass to 1 in the corner.
See Walberg post-up, Bollant 1-4-3 passing.
See Dribble-drive basics (Swing-quick), Dribble-drive progression (Swing-quick), Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing.

Ballscreens if there is no post entry

- Butler (for 3)
- Hawk (for 1).

b) Throwback

1-2 kickup.

2-1 dribble throwback, 5 posts.
If there is no post entry, 1 can drive middle, 4 and 3 rotate behind.

This can be used against zone defence, see Zone set plays - Oakland loop series (Loop kick).

Kentucky - they don't dive anybody on a post entry, they want 5 to play.

Olesen - on a pass into the post look to have the opposite high dive and opposite diagonal elevate.

See Calipari kickback, Oakland loop-kick, Petitgoue dump.up

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft

© 2007-24 Eric Johannsen