Defending Weakside 1 on 1
| 1 Progressions in defending a weakside attacker. Two balls.
a) Shooter box-out
3 skip passes to 1, 2 closes out from a help position and contests, 1 shoots, 2 boxes out and rebounds, and will go off.
Option - 2 moves ballside if 3 brings the ball down, moves weakside if 3 holds the ball overhead, see Defending - Continuous close-outs. Progression - both players rebound, play to a stop or score on a miss. Variations- 2 stays if 1 gets an offensive rebound and scores, see 1 on 1 - Machine-gun close-out - one shot only, 2 stays if 1 gets an offensive rebound, see 1 on 1 - Continuous - live on a miss or make. |
| 2 2 gets the ball to 5 and follows (each ball stays on a side).
1 is the next defender, 4 skip passes to 3 who shoots, 1 boxes out and rebounds.
5 will then skip pass to 4 and 3 close out, the rotation is passer-attacker-defender-off. See Shooting - Team skip passes. b) Live on the skip pass Attacker 3 can shoot or drive (limited dribbles), see 1 on 1 - Machine-gun, Off skip pass, Coach as passer, Defending - Miami 3-point, 1-on-1 with passers (island closeouts). Option - 4 takes one dribble then passes, 1 stunts and recovers to 3, see Defending - Pitt close-out 1 on 1, Pitt close-out. c) Weakside flash 3 flashes from weakside, live, see Defending - Pasquali denial (weakside cuts), also Weakside cuts, Villanova jump to the ball. Variation - 3 skip passes to 4 then flashes, see Coach as passer (Michael Meek). d) Weakside box-out 4 shoots, 1 boxes out 3 and rebounds. Progression - 1 and 3 rebound, live, see Rebounding - Weakside (play to a stop or score, make or miss), and 3-man weave to block-out (play to a score by either player on a miss). Aaron Johnston - Gopher box-out - 4 shoots and 1 blocks out 3, or 1-on-1 off a skip pass, drive and kick (1 helps and recovers), or weakside flash. |